What Exactly is a Leprechaun Anyway?
What Exactly is a Leprechaun Anyway? There just may something more fantastic behind the legend than you think Kell Just exactly what is a leprechaun? Our over-indulged, consumeristic minds immediately flash the Lucky Charms cartoon character when the word leprechaun is mentioned, but is the leprechaun legend possibly based on truth? Stay with me for a while as we explore a scenario that is quite possibly as much science…as it is fiction. It all started in the way-back days where according to Trafalgar.com, “tales of these small creatures first emerged in the 8th-century, when legends about tiny water-dwellers began circulating among the Celts. Their name is thought to come from the word “luchorpán,” meaning small body- no surprise there as they are said to be only 2-3 feet tall. History is replete with other species of hominids of small stature. There are the “Hobbits” of Indonesia (homo floresiensis), a recently discovered race of little people that may have disappeared as little as 10,000 years ago. Such beings are still, on occasion, being seen today in Indonesia – as seen here in this picture. Descriptions of “little people”, fairies, and gnomes that dart in and out of perception depending on the time of day (as well as location), are frequently reported worldwide. In fact, I can attest to a friend who swore he had seen gnomes appear in his room at his grandma’s house when he was an 8 yr. old. He was by no means a storyteller by nature and his brother also claims to have seen the beings, both on multiple occasions.He was by no means a storyteller by nature and his brother also claims to have seen the beings, both on multiple occasions. It wasn’t lost in irony when the city that his grandma lived in was mentioned in the book, “Gnomes” as being one of the 5 places (Coshocton, Ohio) on earth where folks are most likely to cross paths with one! The little folk go by many names depending on where you come from, and most countries have legends of them. Although the Irish have tales of Leprechauns, Brownies, Elves and Goblins, To the Iroquois (also of Ohio and the upper midwest), they are called Jogahoh; to the Comanche, they are called Nunnupi and to the Cherokee, they are the Yunwi Tsundi. Some of these wee little folk are grumpy, some play practical jokes, and some don’t fool around. So-Called “Aliens” In modern times we now have the US Dept. of Defense claiming that certain kinds of alien reports may actually spotlight the materialization of trans-dimensional beings. The alien category may not be limited to space. Per Jim Semivan, a former CIA agent who has been studying the subject, “there are really only three options that can account for what people have been spotting over the years: the extraterrestrial, the interdimensional, and the ultra-terrestrial, meaning members of a lost human civilization here on Earth, à la Atlantis.” A common description of an ET is short, gray, and skinny. Granted, not a leprechaun by description but small nonetheless, and until recently, considered by the mainstream ninnies as a figment of pure imagination or mass hallucination. Historically, we had a major flood between 10-15,000 years ago as the Pleistocene came to an end. It was written about not only in the bible but in many other ancient texts as well. Tales of a great flood were also passed down orally by tribes throughout North and South America. As the ice age melted away, sea levels rose and coastal cities were buried under hundreds of feet of sea. Perhaps some of the wee little people and many other civilizations perished at just around the same time? Perhaps they were victims of genocide? Perhaps they are interdimensional by nature and are only seen when and by whom they choose to be? Who knows? It’s food for thought, banter around the water cooler or at your nearest Maggie O’brien’s Irish Pub. Just remember next time you acquaint leprechauns with sugary breakfast cereal, or the coolest icon in St. Louis, that you may be altogether wrong. That elusive little green being may represent something far more incredible than a diminutive guard of gold treasure. He or she just might represent a race with powers that go far and above those of mortal man! Kelly Kleinman is a noted Cryptozoologist and enjoys Maggie’s Corned Beef sandos
What Exactly is a Leprechaun Anyway? Read More »