St. Patrick’s Day: It’s History & The Traditions

Were You Aware Of The History & Traditions Of St. Patrick’s Day?

So, what’s this day all about? And who is Saint Patrick Other Than a Snake Killer? And why do we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

Almost everyone has heard of him, and enjoyed an excess of beer or Irish whiskey celebrating “his day”, but few actually know who he was and what he did. There are a bunch of fictitious anecdotes including one that he allegedly possessed a magical walking staff that could grow into a tree. Still another claims he drove snakes out of Ireland. Or, that he was actually born in Romanized Britain and was kidnapped by Irish raiders and held as a slave for six years! BTW, one of those stories is actually true.

St. Patrick’s Day

A Snapshot of History…

Truth be told, St. Patrick was born in England to a wealthy “Romanized” family. At a young age he was kidnapped to Ireland by slave traders where he was held as a slave by Celtics and forced to work as a herdsman. During those difficult years, St. Patrick embraced Christianity some time before he escaped by ship back to Britain where he began to evolve into the legendary evangelist of Irish history. Years passed before he finally had the courage (brought about by an epiphany) to return to Ireland and evangelize many Irish to Christianity. March 17, the day of his death, is now the widely recognized day of his honor.

The Holiday’s Beginning…

Ironically, it was Irish soldiers who initiated the very first St. Patrick’s Day parade in New York, and not Ireland! The celebration actually became widespread in America beginning in 1762. Ireland didn’t begin having parades until 1903! Although people of all backgrounds now celebrate the holiday worldwide, Ireland didn’t even have its first St. Patrick’s Day Festival until 1996!

And just look at it now… the day has grown into almost a week!

What Traditional Activities Are Carried Out On St. Patrick’s Day?

St. Patrick’s Day is more than just a commemoration of Ireland’s patron saint. It’s also a show of Irish patriotism and a welcome dose of green-fueled happiness to usher in the spring season and shake off the winter blues…

Traditional St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in the historic city of St. Louis range from shamrocks to food to step dancing, but one thing is certain: they’re all a lot of fun!

Here’s what you gotta do to celebrate properly :
  • Eat a LOT of Corned beef and cabbage … and bacon!

  • Rock shamrocks because they’re staples of St. Patrick’s Day decor and dress. After looking your best in them, ‘drown them’ because guess what…it’s good luck!

  • Guinness has always been big in Ireland, but it enjoys a remarkable boon in business worldwide on St. Patrick’s Day!

  • Start looking for Leprechauns because some tales assert that if you follow the tap of their cobbler’s hammers, you’ll discover one. Catch him and he’ll grant you 3 wishes to let him go!

  • Pinch someone who isn’t wearing green. Ya it’s a form of assault disguised as Leprechaun tradition so please don’t go about taking this custom to a literal level, okay? We’re stronger than this, we’re smarter than this, we’re Bruce Banner and not the Hulk (who just so happens to be green!)
  • Music is a staple of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, whether you’re a fan of The Dropkick Murphys or traditional Celtic chanting!

  • Because St. Patrick’s Day is primarily a religious holiday commemorating Ireland’s patron saint, many Catholics (particularly Irish Catholics) observe the day by attending mass.

  • Whether you’re Irish or not, St. Patrick’s Day and Irish pride parades are always great times. The St. Patrick’s Day Parade in New York City is one of the most famous events with about 3 million spectators on the sidelines!!

  • Use Irish slang and phrases because no other day would you yell out “Erin go bragh” (“Ireland forever”) or “Slainte” (“health,” as a toast)!!
  • Get The Feel Of St. Patrick's Day With Us All Year Round…

    This year, St. Patrick’s Day 2022 falls on a Thursday, March 17. But, as usual, the big parade is actually a week earlier in downtown St. Louis. More than just a day, St. Patrick’s Day has become a well-celebrated week in St. Louis!

    Maggie O’Brien’s is located right in the middle of the parade route and is by far the city’s best site to watch, eat and drink, and party on the greenest day or the year. It’s standing room only every single year so get here early.

    There’s an old Irish saying that goes, “If you’re lucky enough to be Irish… You’re lucky enough!”

    See you at one or both Maggie’s locations where it’s ALWAYS “Erin go bragh”

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